Work in progress
During lockdown we all lost control of our lives and I wanted to explore this through a photographic series is focusing on motherhood.
The moment I became a mother, control over my life
was relinquished. Paradoxically, one of the most
terrifying aspects of motherhood is that you never
know how your experience is going to pan out.
And you have NO CONTROL over it,
even though you are the mother and the bearer of
life to your child.
Mothers are judged on a daily basis by society and the people around them for their ability to control, by controlling their kids, controlling their bodies after giving birth, controlling their ability to work and keeping control of their appearance.
I believe women, female artists and mothers' work is still undervalued
and marginalised and not being celebrated for their amazing achievements.
This is the inspiration for this series of photographs; women /mothers in their houses, rooms and gardens, but in which everyday objects play a disguising game, sometimes covering fully the women identities.
My work explores the many facets of the female role as a mother in the domestic environment,particularly the states that are rarely spoken or represented in social media.
The Mother as a life giver, Mother as a nurturing force, Mother as a career, Mother as a creative, Mother as CULTURE MAKER, mother as a bread winner, and the list goes on and on.
All these, sometimes contradicting and co existing facets are rarely
spoken about and how motherhood affects women’s mental health.
These photographs inspired the Community project; Photo-journaling in Sutton
Reflection on my role as a mother and a carer during the first lockdown.
Portrait of my friend during the first lockdown.
Describe your image
Reflection on my role as a mother and a carer during the first lockdown.