I am super happy to announce that my latest work has been included in
If not now,when? a two-part virtual exhibition curated by Spilt Milk, presenting the work of over 40 international women and non-binary artists who identify as mothers. Launching on International Women’s Day (March 8th), part one of the exhibition explores the impact of the pandemic on mothers’ emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing, while part two is a call-to-action toward a post-pandemic world free of oppression.
My work has been included in Part II group's show.
The artists in part two challenge current systems of oppression by elevating the role of mothering work in our society, by celebrating the power of community resilience and resistance. Whether through healing and mending our past, or breaking and smashing the glass ceilings, we cannot return to what was, but must look toward new beginnings and a post-pandemic world that works for us all.

Check out the show here: